Tuesday, March 29, 2011

8 Ways to Save While Backpacking Europe

Backpacking across Europe is nearly a rite of passage for backpack travelers. Cobble stone streets, tiny villages, ancient sites, good bread – they’re all part of the glorious and highly recommended backpackers’ bucket list.
Another rite of passage for those who’ve made their way from Spain to Slovakia, however, is being broke afterward. That Euro exchange rate is a harsh and those $5-a-night hostels you found in Guatemala … well … best of luck scoring those in Berlin.
But there are a few tricks to cafe hopping your way across Europe without breaking the bank. Actually there are many ways to go about it. But you only have so much reading time. So the Kansas City Star Newspaper has listed 8 of the best in a story published yesterday. So take a look here and save a Euro or two.

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